Club Membership lists

The membership files are used for tracking members of a club or stations to be collected for an award.

CQRLOG supports tracking of numerous club memberships using internal files which are part of the installation. You can choose 5 clubs from this list which can be tracked simultaneously, providing the basic info in the ‘Details’ window with possibility to add a remark to a log colimn (there is a choice of Award, QTH, Comments to a QSO, Name, County, Grid and State).

Here is a list allowing to download a most fresh update of a membership list of your particular interest. Some of below mentioned files are updated twice a week (most active clubs – SKCC, CWOPS, FOC, A1-Club, DIG and some others), some can remain unchanged because such clubs are either not very active or the data availability is limited. There is quite impossible to track changes in every club listed below, so volunteer ‘managers’ wanted!

Drop me a line if you are member of a club and you are willing to pay instatnt attention to the membership list and share your work with others. Currently OK1RR provides this service for SKCC, CWOPS, FOC, A1-Club, DIG, HSC, VHSC, SHSC and EHSC. We strongly need a maintainer of the Ten-Ten (10X), QCWA and A1-OP (ARRL) membership lists but other clubs also wanted. There are many clubs which are not recognized, if you know such club, keep us informed or – better – prepare a membership list by yourself and let us know. The header consists of two lines – first the short name (abbreviation), second the full (long) name. Spaces are allowed. Example:

Straight Key Century Club

The data format is very simple. It can be: (1) a single call per line – for clubs without any membership number


(2) call;number – most frequently used, a call followed by the membership number, the separator is a semicolon


(3) call;number;date_from;date_to – a rare exception, applies to clubs/awards where the date is a matter of importance


The callsign should have a format used for logging.
Correct entries:


Inorrect entries:

EI5IY G3LQI;1438;1981-12;2001-10
EI5IY ex G3LQI;1438;1981-12;2001-10
EI5IY also G3LQI;1438;1981-12;2001-10
EI5IY, G3LQI;1438;1981-12;2001-10

Remember, SWL calls (IDs) are meaningless because they can’t be worked as usual stations. A manual addition of a SWL report to the log will destroy all other statistics, it is definitely a bad idea. Unfortunately points for SWLs can’t be counted in CQRlog, as well as in another logger. Therefore, SWL calls (IDs) must be removed from the membership list!

Remember, that the separator is ALWAYS a semicolon, the date format is YYYY-MM and there should be NO BLANK SPACES, including trailing spaces at the line end position. A blank line at the end of file may cause unexpected problems! To download, right click the item and use the ‘Save as…’ option. Here is a list of currently supported clubs:

*     updated on regular basis by CQRLOG maintainers

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