Here is the latest version of the TRMASTER file for TR Log (N6TR), TR log linux port (W9CF) and TR4W (N4AF). It contains the complete FOC list, CWops list and HSC list as well as many calls frequently appearing in CW events. TRMASTER.ASC source is included. =N name =F FOC […]
Like many others, I have noticed an ugly, scratchy sound while using my Vibroplex Presentation bug. The unwanted artifact is affected by the contact setting but it is impossible to remove this completely. This problem is noticeable mostly with new “fast” transceivers like K3. My idea that this sound is […]
10 mm dia Coaxial Cable attenuation Aircom Plus RG 213 U H 2000 Flex Ecoflex 10 Ecoflex 10+ H 2010 MHz dB/100 m dB/100 m dB/100 m dB/100 m dB/100 m dB/100 m 5 0,9 0,8 0,9 7 1,0 0,97 10 1,2 […]