The FOC QSO Party is held twice a year and is open to all radio amateurs world-wide. It’s not a contest but, rather, an activity day in memory of Bill Windle, G8VG (SK), a past Chairman of FOC who was very keen that we should all be as active as possible on the bands. Stations participating in the BWQP should call “CQBW,” in memory of Bill.
Open to all stations worldwide. FOC members contact members and non-members. Other stations contact FOC members only.
24 Hours. 25 March 2017, 00:00Z to 23:59Z.
- FOC members: Make as many member and non-member QSOs as possible.
- Non-members: To contact as many FOC members as possible.
- All Stations: Call “CQBW.”
- FOC members: RST, Name & FOC Number.
- Non-members: RST & Name.
You are encouraged to have at least short chats with other stations.
- CW portions of all bands except WARC bands, which are excluded.
- Operating windows are from .015 to .040.
- FOC members: Total QSOs and total FOC QSOs, counted once per band. For example: 302/177 would indicate total QSOs/total FOC member QSOs.
- Non-Members: Report total QSOs with FOC members, counted once per band.
- Certificates will be awarded to the station on each continent reporting the highest number of QSOs.
- Certificates will be awarded in both categories – members and non-members.
No logs or verification are required. Send your report to: no later than 14 days after the event. Results will be posted on the FOC Web site and published in the FOC’s quarterly magazine, FOCUS.