Conversion TR Log N6TR files to the ADIF format

TRADIF v. 1.6

Conversion TR Log N6TR files to the ADIF format

This utility converts log files from TR Log to the ADIF format and is independent of the contest type. It may also be used to convert logs created by TR Log in the GENERAL QSO mode when it will correctly pick up and convert any data in the name and  the placement of contents of the exchange field so name address fields.

TRADIF provides automatic conversion of QSO date, time_on, time_off, mode, band, serial number sent, call and both received/sent RST. There is no possibility to exclude or rename any of the above mentioned ADIF columns. Such items are not included in the selection menu (see F4 option).

TR Log has no time_off facility. TRADIF assumes that both time_on and time_off are the same.


The file you wish to convert must be in the same directory as TRADIF. There are three ways to run the utility:

F1  – will attempt to convert all of the data in the selected *.dat file to *.adi. In any cases where some data is not correctly converted using F1 (eg. SPDX) F2 or F3 should be selected. Using F1 with GENERAL *.dat files will correctly convert both NAME and QTH (but be sure that the name you enter is not greater than 11 characters).

F2 – will import data up  to the RST Rcvd field and permit you to add the name of the contest which will be added to the *.adi file in the contest_id field.
F3 – will import data up  to RST Rcvd field and permit you to add the name of the contest which will be added to the *.adi file in the comments field. The contest exchange and multiplier data is ignored in both F2 and F3. In all three cases the utility will tell you what to enter. Check that the number of converted QSOs are the same as the number of QSOs in the TR Log file.

F4 – will import data up  to RST Rcvd field and permit you to write the rest of the data into selected ADIF column. You should select the proper position of the exchange to be converted and  desired ADIF column. TRADIF provides a possibility to  convert two different parts of exchange into two different ADIF columns.

F5 – same as F4 but with possibility to add your own com- ment to be pasted into selected column. EXAMPLE: You are processing your log of the FOC Marathon where the part of exchange is the FOC Membership number. You want to put the FOC number into the “Comments” column but with an indica- tion what the number means. This option  allows to insert the “FOC#” addition to the “Comments” column. It will result in “FOC# 1234” in the “Comments” column.

F6 – quit the program.

How to select the position:

The position MUST be equal or higher than 54 and lower or equal than 76. This position is the  same like in the log file produced by TR Log. It may contain received exchange, name and QTH, WWL grid or any other data mentioned in the table below. To determine what data should be converted the position must be given. This is also the way to select the desired data from the mess in the exchange field.

You may find a small dial like this:

5     6         7     7
Note, please, that the numbers should be read vertically. This little trick was neccesary to overcome lack of space because the dial must match the exchange sample which is written in red below this dial.
Because the particular exchange may vary in length, the position should match first and last character of the ex- change to be selected. Compare, please, more records to prevent possible truncation of some longer parts!

ADIF Column selection

The letter in  brackets denotes the ADIF column. TRADIF contains a brief description of exchange type. The table below indicates the standard ADIF identifier which you may find in resulting ADIF code.


Select ADIF ID Type Description
[a] AGE N Age of other station operator
[b] ARRL_SECT C ARRL Section
[c] CNTY C US County in the format STATE, COUNTY. For example GA,BARROW. Use CQ County list
[d] COMMENT C Comment field for QSO
[e] CONT C Continent: NA, SA, EU, AF, OC, AS
[f] CONTEST_ID C Contest Indentifier – CQWW, etc.
[g] CQZ N CQ Zone
[h] DXCC N Numeric identifiers from ARRL.
[i] GRIDSQUARE C 4, 6, 8 or however many characters
[k] ITUZ N ITU Zone
[l] NAME C Name of other station operator
[m] NOTES M Long text for digital copy, third party traffic, etc.
[n] PFX C WPX prefix
[o] PROP_MODE C Propagation mode (Aurora, MS etc.)
[p] QSLMSG M Personal message to appear on QSL card
[q] QSL_VIA C QSL route of other station
[r] QTH C QTH of other station
[s] RX_PWR N Power of other station in Watts
[t] SAT_MODE C Satellite Mode
[u] SAT_NAME C Satellite name
[v] SRX N Received serial number for a contest QSO
[w] STATE C US state
[x] TEN_TEN N Ten-Ten number
[y] VE_PROV C Canadian province, 2-letter abbreviations: AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT

Quick mode:

Start program from DOS using TRADIF <filename>. Conversion will be provided immediately, output ADIF file will be named <filename>.adi. TRADIF works now in the AUTO mode in same way as with F1 option. Quick mode is meant mainly for GENERAL QSO logs.


Regardless of independence on contest type this utility recognizes contest file and general QSO log file even the header is ignored. It searches for the numbers (digits) in the exchange. If digits present, TRADIF assumes that the file is a contest file and puts the exchange into ADIF column <comment:#>. The # representing length is computed and inserted in proper way. If the exchange contains let- ters (characters) only, TRADIF assumes that the file is a general QSO log file containing name and QTH. Both name and QTH are extracted and inserted into ADIF columns (pro- per length is computed). TRADIF detects presence of both name and QTH, if some of them is missed no ADIF reference is inserted. TRADIF assumes that the name appears first followed by QTH.


TRADIF is presented “as is”. It is freeware and may be di- stributed to others. The author is not responsible for any data loss or damage caused by the use of the utility.

This version is meant as final and is no competitor to the LOGCONV utility by Robert Barron, KA5WSS, which is contest dependent but  may process contest files much better. If you missed  some feature in TRADIF, look first at LOGCONV (then you should ask for addition…).


This software is a “giftware”. Feel free to use it as you want but you should give a small gift to another one who may need this. What it means?

If you like this software, and feel so inclined, send a donation to your local Animal Shelter. A dollar or two here and there can frequently make a big difference. It may be enough to keep a dog or cat alive for one more day, perhaps the day that someone  will come to adopt them. The Animal Shelters do a great job most of the time, but they can’t be expected to keep animals indefinitely until some- one wants them. They live by the same rules that we do, where the “Almighty Dollar” is in command. If a few of us send them a little bit, maybe it will do some good.

I love animals, and they are frequently more at the mercy of our society than any people are. If a person doesn’t like his position, he is free to do something about it. Jobs can be found, professions are a little  harder, but jobs CAN be found. The domesticated animals don’t have that luxury. They are subject to our rules, and in many cases our rules don’t fit them that well. When they are hungry and homeless, they get locked up for a few days, but if no one comes for them, their time is up.

Finally, the best thing you may do is to adopt an animal from the Animal Shelter. Give them a bit of your love and you’ll see better things than our favorite – ham radio.

A small donation, postcard or e-mail welcome any time if you meet TRADIF useful. Donations  will be redirected immediately to the Animal Shelter.

Download TRADIF here

Praha, Feb. 13, 2000 Martin, OK1RR