Earlier this year, representatives of some radio amateurs in Cornwall, UK approached Ofcom (The UK government dept regulating the radio spectrum) to request temporary use of the Regional Secondary Locator “K” for Kernow, the Cornish word for Cornwall, following the recognition of the Cornish People under the Framework Convention on […]
FILTERED OUT FOREVER For many radio amateurs, it’s the end of an era: Rockwell Collins, which designed and manufactured mechanical filters for more than two generations of hams, has discontinued the filters’ production. The company posted on its website: “Over the past several years, we have seen a dramatic reduction […]
Here is the latest version of the TRMASTER file for TR Log (N6TR), TR log linux port (W9CF) and TR4W (N4AF). It contains the complete FOC list, CWops list and HSC list as well as many calls frequently appearing in CW events. TRMASTER.ASC source is included. =N name =F FOC […]
Like many others, I have noticed an ugly, scratchy sound while using my Vibroplex Presentation bug. The unwanted artifact is affected by the contact setting but it is impossible to remove this completely. This problem is noticeable mostly with new “fast” transceivers like K3. My idea that this sound is […]
10 mm dia Coaxial Cable attenuation Aircom Plus RG 213 U H 2000 Flex Ecoflex 10 Ecoflex 10+ H 2010 MHz dB/100 m dB/100 m dB/100 m dB/100 m dB/100 m dB/100 m 5 0,9 0,8 0,9 7 1,0 0,97 10 1,2 […]
Do a single loop through the core windows and measure the impedance with some sort of analyzer. Even an MFJ259B with a short connection to the jack will work well for this. If X=R someplace much higher, you can be sure it is a different mix. The Q=1 frequency, where […]
2015-05-19 The TR4W support group is pleased to announce that TR4W is now Open Source’d on GitHub and licensed under GPL V3. TR4W (TRlog 4 Windows) is an amalgam of base TRLOG code (TR4W/SRC/TRDOS) -originally authored and Copyrighted by N6TR, with a Windows application layer (TR4W/SRC) -originally authored […]
Many years ago I wanted to test RTTY and the new digital modes. Not too seriously, with a simple interface in KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) style. There is nothing to improve, except my awful PCB design matched to the box I discovered in my junk store. For AF isolation […]
Many Flag and Pennant users recommending a very straightforward design – Amidon BN73-202 binocular core with 3 turns for a primary and 12 turns for a secondary winding. Wind the transformer with the low impedance winding first, and put the high impedance over it. For the primary, a plastic coated […]